Join us, through The Bradford Foundation, our non-profit organization founded for the purpose of advocating Teenage Suicide Prevention Education in our Community and Schools. The Bradford Foundation empowers adolescents and their families through educational materials, forums, counseling resources, and support groups aimed at promoting the sanctity of life and creating powerful, nurturing young leaders. The time is now to end the epidemic of Suicide and save lives. You can make a difference
Suicide Hotlines
Yellow Ribbon
Oath of Guardianship©
"My friend, I love you. I promise to always watch over you even during your darkest moments; if you need help, I will make sure to find help for you, even if you ask me not to. I promise to not honor any bonds that will ultimately hurt you in any way; it's for your own good. Understand, as a loving friend, it is my responsibility to watch over you. I promise not to let you think that your life is worthless and to dishonor you. YOU MATTER TO ME AND TO THE WORLD; YOU ARE WORTHY OF GOD'S LOVE AND LIFE."
Bradford's Pledge, written by Ana Fernandez
January 21, 2011